Saturday, July 9, 2011

Two years as a working Mama

July 20th will mark two years as a working mom.  The date itself isn't that notable but I'm just a "date" person- it's one of my quirks.

Before I returned from my first maternity leave, I had no idea how to make it work as a full-time Mommy and full-time professional.  My transition back was rough.  If you can even call it a transition because I don't think I fully transitioned at all.  My heart longed to be with my little girl, though I was mostly productive and focused while I was at work.

I surprised my boss one morning when I presented a well-thought out and detailed proposal to change to a 32 hour (4 day) work-week.  When he said no (he thought it could possibly stall my career if I made this move, and there was no precedent for such an arrangement), I didn't give up.  Shortly thereafter I began a new job (a promotion) and was managing a larger team, but that didn't stop me from quickly approaching my new boss about my proposal.  While she showed hesitancy as well, I continued to fight for what I needed.  I was paving a new way, as not a single person at my level in my pyramid ("Distribution" aka supply chain) had a flexible work arrangement.  After much persistence it was approved. It was effective upon my return from my second maternity leave, which made returning in itself not quite as painful.

Some working moms say that they could never be a stay at home mom.  Some stay at home moms cannot imagine working outside the home.  I'm not quite sure where I fall.  But I do know that for the first time since July 20th, 2009, I am in a good place.  I am on a 9/10 day schedule (I have every other Friday off) and it's making a HUGE difference for me.  It's amazing how much better balanced it makes me feel.  Combined with the vacation time I accrue each month and have built up, I typically have 3-4 days off per month.

I think that after two years, I am just now beginning to figure the whole working mom thing out.  Evenings are still crazy as we have 1.5 hours to make dinner, eat, clean up, do baths, play, nurse the baby, and put the kids to bed. And I still have moments where I feel like I am completely missing out on the most precious days of our lives.  But I feel that I have purpose at work as well and I have found peace.  Perhaps it is this thought, that I heard months ago in reference to reconciling the knowledge in our mind with the stirrings in our heart, that is the root of the hope that I feel..

Bloom where you are planted...until God moves you.  

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