Sunday, July 10, 2011

Work hard, play hard

The theme of our weekend turned out to be play hard and work harder. I just sat down with a bowl of Ben and Jerry's and I am BEAT!

I took Friday off (hooray for three day work weeks!) and took the kids to the zoo by myself.  Claire had a "Toddler Time" class called Armored Armodillos and Chilly Chinchillas. Fortunately, Max acted like a little angel during it and just blabbered away from the stroller in the corner.  Afterwards we walked around and enjoyed the people watching and watching the action in the splashpad.

 She beats to her own drum and I love it.  Max slept peacefully during the rest of the zoo trip.

Later that day, we went to the mall for a little while.  Have I mentioned how much I love my Bob double?  I scored some awesome deals on summer clothes that Claire will wear next year (and a random customer was trying very hard to tell me I cannot buy clothes in size 2T since my daughter will be THREE years old next year!  Hello!  She's my daughter and she can still fit into some size 12 month pants, but thanks for your concern!)

And on the drive home...Max slept.  I have way too many sleeping pictures on my iPhone because I just think he looks too cute when he's asleep.  And yes, he brought a bottle of Parsley with him to the mall. Whatever floats your boat.  Late Friday afternoon my mom came over and helped Josh and I pick out some plants for our landscaping project. Afterwards we enjoyed pizza and a glass of wine on the patio.  My mom spends most summer weekends at the cabin so it's a real treat to be able to spend time with her on the rare occasion that she's home!

Saturday morning we went to Ami and Scott's place for the second annual cousin pool party.  Max SO enjoys the water!  Look at my little love!

This picture is from the pool party last year.

And this one is a year later!  As Ami said, look at the difference a year makes!  I'm hoping that next summer there are at least two more little cousins! 

Max slept on the way home of course, and of course I took a picture on my phone.

We spent the rest of the day working outside.  I also got groceries and organized the desk and surrounding cabinets. I made lasagna for dinner and Brad and Mom joined us (love having them around!).  Brad fixed our sprinkler system- thank you, Brad! After the kids went to bed, Josh continued working outside and I relaxed on the patio with a beer and my book- Heaven is for Real (very good by the way).

Today we met the Parks at the Burnsville splash park.  It's so much fun there.  

I asked Josh to take a picture of me and Max otherwise when our kids are older they're going to wonder where their mom was their entire childhood because I'm always the one behind the camera! 

Bethanie, Josh, and Max enjoying the weather before it got terribly hot and sticky. The point of this park is to play inside the fountains! 

This picture is so Max.  He always has his little tongue hanging out. 

The rest of the day we spent working outside and around the house.  I made lots of baby food for Max, including carrots, peas, cauliflower, squash, and pears.  That should hold him over for, like, a day or two. 

This weekend is what summers are made for.  Time with family, time in pools and splash parks, happy hours on our patio, grilled chicken for dinner, exhausted babies and parents. Hope your weekend was just as great! 

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