Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Max at 8 months old

Max is eight months old!  Is he a cutie or what?!  He looks good rocking the pink sunglasses.

At 8 months, Max:

  • has his first tooth (this actually came in 3 days after his 8 month birthday- on July 4th).  I couldn't even tell he was teething. I sure hope that's a good sign!
  • wears size 9 month and 6-12 month clothing and size 4 diapers.  He has the chunkiest legs.
  • is still super attached to his Mommy.  He can't see me without crying and whining for me, unless I pick him up.  
  • scoots backwards on his tummy.  He'll go as far as he can until he runs into an obstacle that he can't work around. 
  • has started babbling more.  The sound he makes most frequently sounds like, "yeah yeah yeah".  He often makes the sound after Claire says something and it sounds like he's trying to shush her up! He also says, "da da da" and I repeatedly say, "ma ma ma ma" so that becomes his next sound! 
  • uses his feet as if they were hands.  He's constantly slapping them together and he curls his little toes and feet in attempts to pick up toys.  
  • loves food. He hasn't had too much variety yet, but he's eaten everything we've given him.  Lately he's had a lot of peas.  He eats two meals per day and nurses or has a bottle of breastmilk five times per day.  
  • sleeps pretty well.  He goes to bed between 7:00-7:30PM and sleeps until 5:45-6:30AM (I wish he slept later but he wakes up at the same time even if he goes to bed later).  He wakes up anywhere between 2-5 times.  He is AWESOME at taking naps- he puts up no fuss at all.  He's napping 3-4 times a day, for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours each time typically. 
  • loves to be outside and enjoys playing in water.  He loves taking walks and also napping in the Ergo. 
  • puts everything in his mouth.  Of course.
  • is affectionately called, "Maxy Maxy", "Maxy Max","Maxy", "my sack of potatoes", "flat face", "chunky boy".  
  • is very smiley and happy!  He's so refreshing to be around when Claire is being her emotional, two year old self! :) 
It's interesting to compare Max at this age to Claire when she was 8 months old.  He just seems so much younger? What do you think? 

1 comment:

April said...

I think Kasen is so much younger than Cade at a year! Must be a second child thing... ?