Our rather 'perfect' sleeper is having some serious sleep regression.
At 10:15PM this evening she started crying from her room. I went into the room and she says, "I'm all done sleeping. I'm all done, Mommy." I explain to her that she, in fact, is not all done sleeping. She says she wants to sleep in "daddy's crib" (aka our bed). We have never allowed her to sleep in our bed, precisely to prevent this type of problem. She asks me to wash her paci (yes, not only does she have a paci at night, but she requests us to 'wash' (run it under water) it during the night). I decline. She asks to "rockabye". I decline (usually when this happens, I do rock her but I have learned that it only solves the issue momentarily and as soon as I put her back into her crib, the screaming resumes). She asks for me to lay on the floor next to her crib...and I decline. We talk for another minute and I shut her bedroom door. That was 38 minutes ago and she hasn't stopped crying/screaming (truthfully, more screaming like we are torturing her than crying) since. All I can hear from two levels above me is "MOMMMMYYYYYY!!!! MOMMMYYYYYY!!!!!"
The same thing occurred this morning. She awoke at 5:00AM and wanted to get up for the day. That time is entirely too early so she continued to cry until I finally got her up at 6:30 (and I've been wondering who 'won' in her mind? Me because I waited 1 1/2 hours, or her because, in her mind, I finally gave in to her crying?). Again, the same thing occurred Wednesday night from 9:00-11:00PM. And that's just in the past few days.
I just don't know what to do!
I feel like a few days of letting her 'cry it out' should teach her that she cannot pull these shenanigans but so far, she hasn't learned.
Any advice?!
(The silver lining for Josh may be that it is during these moments that I think, "I am D-O-N-E having children! Two is perfect for me!")
annie kate
6 years ago
1 comment:
Another piece of silver lining is that she stays in her crib still instead of climbing out, that is amazing!
Stay strong :)
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