Friday, February 24, 2012

Good friends

Last year I wrote a little about these amazing friends and showed pictures of our oldest children together in 2009, 2010, and 2011 here.  We once again hosted the annual family potluck at our house a couple weeks ago.  Now there's a whole new set of younger siblings!  Of the seven of us, five have a younger child and the other two are pregnant.  How did the statistics play out?  Out of the seven sibling groups, one is girl/girl, one is boy/boy, and five are one of each.  

Three of the younger siblings.  Max is the oldest little sibling. 

The moms with our oldest!  Two of the families couldn't make it.  It's so fun to see how these children have grown (click that link above to see these five when they were 10 weeks old!). 

Last night Claire had what could possibly be her worst night EVER.  Like, in her whole life.  I am off work today and the morning was not much better.  I think she might have stopped crying/whining for five minutes total (in addition to the 30 minute nap I made her take).  Needless to say, I was that much more excited to go to Melissa's house (Melissa is the second from the right in the picture above) this morning for a playdate with four of the seven in our mom group.  As I predicted, Claire was a totally different person.  Respectful, quiet, gentle, kind, and didn't whine for even a second. 

Max loved the Thomas the Train set.  

It was a rowdy group with three almost three year old boys.  Claire wasn't sure what to think. A couple times she said "What are they doing?" and "Why are they making that noise?"  Melissa laughed and asked her, "it doesn't sound like this in your house??".  :) 

Enjoying Dominos pizza for lunch. Too bad it took 1 1/2 hours to be delivered!  The kids were ready to inhale the pizza and take a nap! 

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Proverbs 27:9 

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