Thursday, February 16, 2012

Paying the day forward

If you know me, you know I am passionate about alleviating poverty...both spiritual and physical.  You'll know that I believe our lives are about so much more than ourselves.  You might know that my heart hurts for the suffering and that I have a strong worldview.

The other day I was listening to KTIS and when I heard this excerpt from one of my favorite songs, I thought, "Yes, Lord!  Yes! May it be so with me!"

Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted.
The ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten.
Give me Your eyes so I can see.

This year, and every four years, we are gifted with an extra day.  What will we do with this gift? HOPE International, the non-profit I feel so strongly about serving, encourages us to not spend this day on ourselves, but to spend it on behalf of the poor.  This video weaves a simple, compelling message on how we might spend the day on ourselves, or, in contrast, how we might pay the day forward to benefit others. HOPE provides a very basic calculator on the Leap Forward website to determine the value of Leap Day based on annual salary or hourly wages (or, you can just divide your bi-weekly paycheck by 10, like I did to calculate my daily wages). HOPE's end goal is to raise funds to support the microfinance operations in Congo, placing people on the pathway out of poverty.  With Leap Day fast approaching on February 29th, now is the time to take a personal leap and participate.  Will you join me? If you can't give your daily wage, would you consider giving what you would spend on lunch?  In a country where a $50 loan can literally change an entire family's life, it might be the best money you've spent this year.  

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