Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our romantic weekend away!

I chuckled recently when I read a blog from a mom of a young baby, who said that, while it was extremely difficult to leave her, she and her husband had to go to Hawaii for a week long vacation when their baby was just five months old, to remember what it was like to just be a couple.  I'm not judging...(I don't think).  Now that Josh and I have finally gotten away for two days, I definitely see the value in reconnecting as a couple.  It just took us almost three years to leave for two days!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my mom and to Omi and Papa for each watching the children for a day/night.  They had a couple early mornings, but it sounds like the kids did great overall.

We took Friday off and made a leisurely trek north.  I have been to Lutsen many times before.  I have many fond memories of ski trips at Lutsen with my family and the Marty family.  I went several times in college and have very great memories from then too; the memories just look a little different. :)

I think Lutsen surpassed Josh's expectations and we talked and daydreamed a lot about bringing our children there and making lifelong family memories, once they're older.  We even brainstormed which family(ies) we would like to join us, because it's way more fun to rent a townhome and go with friends. Were you on our list?? :)

On Friday night, we ate dinner at Moguls, which is a nice restaurant at our resort.  We said, "NO TALKING ABOUT THE KIDS!" and we were semi-successful.  We laughed, and talked, and drank wine/beer, and chatted with our waiter, Tom, and had general merriment.

S'more brownie cake for dessert....NUM! 

The view from our condo. That's Lake Superior in the background.

We hit the slopes Saturday morning.  It had been 8 years since I went skiing and 10 years for Josh!!  I actually did better than I expected.  I don't think I ever really appreciated the amazing view of Lake Superior while skiing at Lutsen like I did this time.  It was breathtaking!  (The following are all pictures taken on my phone) 

Josh's self-portrait FAIL!  "But the sun was in my eyes!" 

The high was 33 on Saturday and it felt so nice!  Only my neck and face got a tab bit cold at times.  We couldn't have asked for a better day.  That's me before going down our first run.  It was a black diamond, unexpectedly (#wasplanningtowarmuponbunnyhills). 

Riding the gondola from Moose Mountain to Eagle Mountain.  No, I didn't seriously injure my neck, my head is just tilted awkwardly.  

Saturday night we again enjoyed dinner at Moguls (same dessert!) and then rested a couple hours before forcing ourselves to not act like old folks and make our way to Papa Charley's.   There was a live band and we enjoyed watching an eclectic group of people go crazy on the dance floor before calling it a night at 10:30 (I really did feel old).  This morning we packed up, grabbed coffee to go, and started the five hour trip home.  It was SO GREAT to see the children.

To all the parents of young children, I urge you to get away with your spouse, even if it's just for a night!  This weekend was medicine for our marriage.  An investment, to be sure.  It was reminder after reminder of why we fell in love with each other and what we have in common (besides our young family).  It was laughter, and talking (without Claire constantly saying, "what are you talking about?!?!"), and playing, and eating, and sleeping in, and reconnecting.  It was wonderful.

"The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." 
John Wooden 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What FUN! That first pic of you and Josh at dinner is really great of both of you. Maybe we can go to Lutsen someday with you guys - I think a Matthies/Docken weekend would be fabulous. Great seeing you today, and see you again soon!