Thursday, February 2, 2012

Moo-cows and Max's Mommy (and a huge answer to prayer)

On Wednesday, I told my good friend Rachael at work that Claire had a bad experience with cows last fall.  She laughed-- how could a two year old have had a bad experience with cows?! Well, she did.  It involved sitting in a tractor, an open door, and a large cow coming very close.  Her Papa feels terrible and he had no idea it would happen.

My daughter isn't scared of monsters, or the 'boogeyman', or strangers.... (well maybe she is a little bit)... no, she's scared of.....cows.  Or, moo-cows to be precise.

She thinks (?? I would love to get in her head so I could know how much she truly thinks) they are in her bedroom at night.  She points to the window, above her curtain, and says she sees cows up there.

She says, "Don't turn my light off, Mommy! Then I can't see the moo-cows!"

Wednesday morning I was blow-drying my hair.  Once I turned it off, I heard her screaming, "NO! NO! NO! NO!".  I rushed into her room, opened the door, and she yelled, "SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!".  This was a terrified scream.  I knelt by her bed and Claire started kicking her legs and waving her arms and shouting, "Moo-cows, GET OUT OF MY BED! GET OUT OF MY BED!  I DON'T WANT YOU HERE! GET OUT!!!!".  I almost started crying.  I picked her up, hugged her close while speaking calm words, and she bawled.  For a long time.

We've told her over and over and over again that cows are only at the farm and cannot possibly walk all the way to our house.  I open her curtains at night and show her there are no cows outside or in her room. I hope and pray this passes quickly!

In other news, Claire is so sweet with Max.  Tonight Claire and I had to run to Target to pick up medicine for Max (he has his first ear infection). She told Max, "Max, me and Mom are going to the store, but you have to stay here with Daddy. But we'll be RIGHT BACK, Max.  You just stay here with Daddy".  When we arrived home an hour later, she said, "Max, your Mommy is home!  Here she is, Max!  Come see your Mommy!!".

Right before I put Max in his crib tonight, she bumped him and he hit his head.  Crying ensued.  Claire compassionately said, "Max, I'm sorry.  I'm sorry, Max {do all two year olds repeat everything they say?!}".  His crying continued.  "Mom, please rock-a-bye Max.  Mom, can you rock-a-bye Max?  He's sad.  Rock-a-bye him".

Do you tire of hearing Claire stories? I know I document a lot of them.  I just know I'm going to forget too much about how she is at this age.

I was SO overjoyed and grateful to see this morning that my brother's best friend, Ben, and his wife, Jen safely welcomed their son into the world.  Last March they tragically and very unexpectedly lost their baby girl at 37 weeks.  I wrote about their tragic loss here.  Hundreds of people 'liked' and commented on her announcement on Facebook today.  There's so much I'm thinking and so much I prayed for, but one thing I know for sure is that Jack James will be a most cherished little boy.

1 comment:

SM said...

Someone told me about "Monster Spray". I guess it could be "Cow Spray" too. You put water in a spray bottle and then you spray the room with "Cow Spray" that keeps cows away. I wonder if that would work with Claire? I love the postings so keep 'em coming. Great Aunt SUe