On Friday Josh and I took a vacation day and had a date day to celebrate our birthdays.

Grandpa came into town from Florida on Saturday. We had pizza at Mom's house that night and then Grandpa, my dad, mom, Chris and Bailey came over Sunday morning for brunch.

Because of a scheduling conflict on Christmas, Santa came to our house early! We left him cookies and he ate them, with just a few crumbs left behind! Max keeps randomly saying, "Santa ate all the cookies!".

On Christmas Eve morning Claire woke up early screaming, "Is Santa here?!?!". I checked downstairs and gave her the all clear. Then she said, "Maybe Santa is in the basement listening to records!!". Here they are admiring the presents that Santa brought, that coincidentally were wrapped in the SAME paper that they picked out at Target. Next year Mama's gotta be more savvy.

As we were opening Santa presents before 7:00AM, I noticed that it was snowing outside. Magical. I tried to capture the moment, which is hard to see in this picture, but I remember it in my heart.

Claire loves her new baby doll.

After a relaxing morning, Grandpa Leroy, Uncle Chris, Aunt Becky and Bailey came over for brunch and presents.

Auntie Whitney and Bailey.

After Josh and the kids napped (and I did a boatload of dishes, packed the diaper bag, ran to the liquor store for wine, charged and packed up the camcorder and camera and loaded the presents into the car), we went to church. Our church had over 20,000 people come on Christmas Eve!!

After church, we went to Nana's for lasagna dinner and presents. She is the most amazing cook ever. We're so thankful to have my Grandpa here from Florida.

Celebrating our 12th Christmas together! We're old!

Max got a lot of "Buzz! Woody!" stuff and was so happy.

Christmas morning we left the house bright and early to go to Northfield for Mara's baptism.

Papa and Omi watching the baptism, with Claire and Max.

I love this picture of Josh's family!

We had lunch at Omi and Papa's house and opened stocking gifts (we have Christmas with Josh's family again this Saturday!). Claire looked SO darling in her Christmas outfits this year!

Max looked pretty cute too.

The five Docken grandkids.

Max loves him some Mara.

While the kids napped at the farm, the adults played Catchphrase. Later that afternoon, we went back to Nana's house for dinner with the usual gang, plus Brad's kids and their kids. Claire and Cambrie had a blast together, as usual.

I am so glad to be off work the rest of the week. We're taking it easy today and going back to my mom's for dinner tonight with grandpa (We're having leftovers! Oh, I forgot to mention the amazing meal she made last night- cornish hens, swedish meatballs, roasted broccoli, mashed potatoes and gravy, amazing cooked carrots, bread, and molten chocolate lava cakes. Mom and Grandpa were in the kitchen cooking from 9:00AM until 5:30PM STRAIGHT! What a blessing this meal was. They cooked for 8 1/2 hours and we devoured it in like 15 minutes!).
Tomorrow we don't have any plans and I think I'll take the kids to the mall to see if we can score any clearance deals. Friday we have a playdate with Ami and her crew, and then Saturday is Christmas again!
I hope your Christmas was magical and blessed as well!