I had a big to-do list for the week and got almost everything crossed off. I organized my linen closet, pantry, desk, extra bedroom, bathroom drawers, car, and hallway closet, and gave away 16 bags worth of stuff I don't need and in some cases, forgot I even had.
I saw my broham Chris and my niece Bailey 5 out of the 6 weekdays I was off.
This week was a great change of pace for me. I would never presume that it's easier or more difficult to be a stay at home mother or a working mother because I think it's largely dependent upon each individual's specific circumstances. But I do know that it felt really good to do the laundry, pick up the house, clean, empty the dishwasher, run errands and make dinner while I was home during the day instead of having to cram all of that into the evenings and weekends.
Here's our week in review (if you follow me on IG, you've seen some of these pictures but not all of them!):
We have cleaning people come once per month and they arrived two hours earlier than I expected. Thankfully my brother was around so we stopped at his house so I could put on my make-up, eat breakfast, and see my niece before we headed to the Minnesota. Zoo (oh and both Claire and I fell on the ice, which was fun too!)

We went to the zoo and met up with my best childhood friend Katie and her son Parker. I think it was the busiest I have EVER seen the Zoo. It was also sandbox weekend so we got cute buckets. Fortunately, my kids wanted to get nowhere near the mass of children crammed into the massive sandbox, just as I expected!

We couldn't find an open table to eat our lunches so we went to Cul.vers instead. Love any time I get to spend with Katie!!

He walks around with his hands in his coat pockets and it slays me.

After naps we made banana bread for the guests we were expecting the next day.

That evening I went out for drinks and dinner with Krista, Jody, Rachel and Melissa. Love these girls!

On Tuesday morning Cindy, Jessica, James, Jude, Amy, Jane, my brother Chris and Bailey came over. Cindy is my Godmother (and the Mom of the family I visited three times in Ukraine) and I have been friends with Jessica (Cindy's daughter) and Amy since I was four years old (well, Jessica since I was five because she is five years younger than me!). We had a wonderful time catching up. Cindy and her husband Paul will be spending the month of March in Moldova. They will be there on behalf of HOPE International but Cindy is also feeling called to work on the cause of human trafficking, which is an enormous issue in Moldova.

That evening, Everleigh joined Claire at her gymnastics class because it was 'bring a friend' week! Those two are the sweetest together!

We met my dad, Chris and Bailey for lunch on Wednesday.

That evening I made a full turkey and potatoes meal for my mom and Brad. It was delicious.

The kids had a ton of fun playing "duck duck grey duck" and "I spy" with Nana and Grandpa Brad. When they were leaving, Max looked up sweetly and said, "I love you Grandpa Brad". All on his own initiative! It was one of the most precious things ever.

On Thursday we met my mom, Chris, and Bailey for lunch at Old Chicago (my mom was working from home that day). The kids were so well-behaved that it was actually a relaxing meal!

Max is left-handed, which I find interesting.

After naps, we finger-painted and colored.

Look at that sweet tongue.

We braved the snowy roads Friday morning to drive Daddy to his bus stop, so that he could take the train to the Mall of America to meet up with us after work. A couple hours later, we braved the roads again to go to Melissa's house for a playdate with Carson and Kate. Carson and Claire are only days apart but he's probably a foot taller!

After naps, the kids and I went to the Mall of America. Is it sad that my two year old knows the names of different malls? "Are we going to Burnsville Center or Mall of America, Mommy?", he asked me.

It just so happened that the Farmer family (Brad's daughter) arrived an hour later, to celebrate Cambrie's third birthday!! Claire is very afraid of even walking into the amusement park in the mall because it's too loud and overwhelming. Before that day, she wouldn't have even thought about going on the rides, but she mustered up a lot of courage and joined Cambrie on FOUR different rides! I was so proud of her.
Here is Shayla and I with Cambrie and Claire.

Max wanted to join too and we all enjoyed the balloon ride.

On Sunday, Nana and Grandpa Brad babysat the children while Josh and I went to a class at church. Then, they blessed us with her delicious lasagna.

Today was my last day. We had a good morning at home, playing, folding laundry, cleaning up, and playing some more, and then we met Chris, Bailey, and my Mom at Chipotle for lunch (my mom was working from home again and this is Chris' last week of full-time Daddy Daycare).
While we took this picture, Claire was saying "you can't take it yet, there's food in my mouth! I have to chew it first!" Haha, she's so polite.

After naps, we went to Sara's house to have a playdate with her, Rachael and Allison. It turned into a happy hour! So much fun. The kids LOVE Sara's house because the kids are wonderful and their basement is like an amusement park, with an actual blow-up jumpy house, 15-foot or so long roller-coaster type thing, trampoline, etc.

I'd like to do another full week off sometime this summer, perhaps in August. I love the extended time with my children. It was blissful.
We really did have a fun happy hour! And you packed a lot into that week - I'd say you live a full life. See you soon :)
You make a "Staycation" look like fun!
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