Look at joy on Max's face. Love.
I haven't been doing well with posting updates, stories and quotes from the children on the blog lately. I do it so I can transfer them to my annual photo book and treasure them for years to come. Recently I've been quickly jotting down stories or quotes on my phone, but since Claire has a tendency of 'accidentally' deleting all of the notes on my phone, I thought it was about time I blog about them.
On Feb 13th, Great Aunt Sue emailed me a story from the farm. She said: When I was at the farm on Monday Claire was playing with a small bottle of lotion. She squirted some out and it splashed on me and on her. She walked over to the sink, grabbed a towel, looked back over her shoulder at me and said, "I assumed that was going to happen."
Bedtime routine. We still do baths every other night (will change once they start wearing sunscreen again). I read the kids one or two books in Max's room and then Claire leaves and turns his light out. I rock Max in his rocking chair for a couple minutes and sing a couple songs (tonight it was "rockabye" and "Away in a Manger", per his request). Settle him into his crib and close the door all the way shut. Then I go into Claire's room, rock her in her rocking chair, and talk about our days (again) and other random stuff. Then I tuck her into bed and sing her three songs. The three songs are typically "rockabye", "three blind mice" and "Mary had a baby boy". Hugs, kisses, get her a kleenex, some more chapstick, then she tells me, "I love you, Mom, I love you, too, Goodnight, I love you. Is the little light on?" (bathroom light).
Both kids focus intensely on picking the fuzz out of their toes when their socks are removed. When doing so, Max pulls his toes so far apart we worry they will rip.
On Feb 5th, Josh took Claire to gymnastics and just Max and I enjoyed having dinner together. We had the following conversation:
Me: "Maxy, what did you do at the farm yesterday?"
Max: "I went on the tractor yesterday.... it was a big one... I went to Grandpa Don's house.... I had a cookie... a brown one.... Papa had a white one...."
It melted my heart to hear him recount a whole story.
That same night, Max bit me. I was talking to Claire about how much it hurt (it really did). She said, "Dear God, thank you for making Mommy's owwie feel better. Amen". This was her first prayer all on her own initiative. Now, hardly a day goes by that she doesn't initiate prayer (or proclaim excitedly that God healed one of her owwies). Last weekend, Claire and I saw a girl on crutches at Target. I could tell Claire continued to think about it the entire time we were there. Later, we were in the shoe aisle and she was hobbling around, trying to get a feel for how it would be to walk with crutches. She said, "Mommy, can we pray for that girl?" I said, "Sure, sweetheart". She sat down in the shoe aisle, folded her hands and said, "Dear God, please make that girl's leg feel better. I pray she has no more owwies. Amen".
One evening I said to Claire, "what did you do today?" She responded, "I was SO busy at work today. I email, I called, I text".
Claire woke me up at 5:00AM. I went into her room and asked, "What do you need?" "I need to say I love you so much," she said. Alright then, go back to bed.
In early January, Max was playing with his dinner food. I said, "Max! Please don't do that. That's gross." He looked at me disgustingly (like he was shocked that I had called him out) and he said, "THAT not gross! My DIAPER gross!". We laughed so hard.
Other Claire-isms:
"Mom, do I have skinny jeans that are clean?"
"Oh, Mom! You look SO cute! Do I have a shirt just like that?!"
Me: "Claire, we can't read a book tonight"
C: "Mommy, can we just lay in the chair and talk?"
C: "Mommy, what was your favorite thing today? My favorite was coloring (curling) your hair".
At Baby.Gap, I was looking at a pair of flare jeans for Claire. Claire said, "Mom, I only like skinnies".
Claire has a WICKED sense of smell. This often leads to hysterical moments in our house.
Max is amazingly verbal, but says some things with the wrong sounds. A couple cute examples:
"I want to watch a pantoon" (cartoon)
"Tan I please have a tookie?" (can I please have a cookie)
I love hearing just everyday sentences come out of Max's mouth. At dinner last night he said, "Oranges are my favorite". A couple days ago he said, "I will open the door so you can get out".
The kids wake up REALLY early and it's killing us on the weekends. They're consistently up between 5:30-6:00. Actually, Max starts waking up around 5:00 and we continue going back into his room to quiet him down until we give up around 6:00. Monday morning Max woke up at 5:00 and started shouting from his crib (through a closed door), "HEYY!! HEY!! You guys!! Somebody get me!!"
When it was cold a couple weeks ago and I was walking with the kids into Target, Max kept saying, "it's code! It's code! It's code! Heat it up! Heat it up!"
1 comment:
These are so great! I teared up when Claire wanted to pray for the little girl in the middle of Target. How proud were you as a mama!!
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