Sunday, March 31, 2013


Right now the kids are having rest time so I thought it was a good time to put my feet up and share pictures from our Easter.

We've had a great weekend.  I was off on Friday and went to the Zoo with Ami and crew and then to her house for lunch.  That evening, Mom and Brad watched the kids while Josh and I went to Good Friday service and then we had pizza with them before they went to the next Good Friday service themselves (it's so convenient that my mom lives just a few minutes from church!).  Yesterday was our nicest day of the spring yet and we had a full day.  Grocery shopping when Target opened at 8:00, Ethan's first birthday party, made a cake and birds nest desserts for today, long walk outside, nummy homemade dinner, and then egg coloring!

I love this sweet picture of me and my boy, even though it's not a great picture of me and it's out of focus.  My lovebug is so precious.  But he's turned into an awful nighttime sleeper!  I was talking to my sisters-in-law today about sleep training him.  Has anyone done "cry it out" with a 2 year old?  He's still in his crib and has never tried to get out.  I think he could honestly cry for hours, which would be difficult for me, Josh and Claire but maybe it would only take a night or two?  I'm at a loss for what to do.  Getting up with him multiple times a night (and for 20-30 minutes each time) is doing nothing for my case about adding another baby!

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This morning we went to the 10AM church service (our church has many services.  Last Christmas Eve, we had 21,000 people attend!) and then went to Aunt Sue and Aunt Julie's house for lunch.

The five Docken cousins.  Omi watches all five of them, five days a week, for 10 hours a day! God bless her.
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Adore him.
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Three nice smiles out of four- I'll consider that success!
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Auntie Bethanie organized a fun egg hunt- thanks Bethanie!
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Claire, Brody, Everleigh, Mara, Maverick, Max and Briggs- love these kids!
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My dad, Chris, Becky and Bailey were planning to come over for dinner tonight but my dad had the flu and a several-day debilitating migraine this week (at the same time!), so he can't come. :(  Instead, my Mom and Brad are going to come over along with Chris' family.

Happy Easter!   Easter changes everything!

1 comment:

Annie Docken said...

Awww, what a nice thing to say about me! Enjoy almost all 10 hours each day! (can you send me that pic of the 5?)