Friday, April 26, 2013

4 days

What a difference four days makes!

Last Monday, April 22nd looked like this:
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And Tuesday, April 23rd looked like this.
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Miraculously, Friday, April 26th is looking like this!
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We had Claire's 4 year well-visit appointment this morning.  She has gained one pound in six months and is holding strong in the "less than 3rd percentile" for weight.  Her Doctor said that she's had a significant growth spurt in height this past year and has now reached the 10th percentile for height! They made a liar out of me because I had told Claire she wouldn't get any shots and she had to get two. :(  Now having to break THAT news to your child is NOT fun.  Fortunately, we went straight from the appointment to the MN Zoo to meet up with Ami, Briggs and Everleigh.  I think only Minnesotans understand just how incredible it feels to experience warmth and sunshine after this long winter.

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This picture is out of focus but I still love the look of joy and sunshine on her face!
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Ami and I were not pleased to find our boys sleeping in their strollers.  We are both fanatical about keeping the kids awake on the drive home from outings, in order to preserve the cherished afternoon nap.  The sun and fresh air were just too much for them.
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When I was pushing Max I thought he was just leaning forward to get a good look but turns out he was sleeping!
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Tomorrow is Claire's birthday party and on Sunday I'm co-hosting a baby shower so I have a lot to do in the next 24 hours!  Have a great weekend!

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