Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby #2 Update- 15 weeks

I am 15 1/2 weeks pregnant with #2. Time is flying by. I think that's due to 'missing' the first 11 weeks and being super busy with Miss Claire! It feels like November will be here in no time.

I am feeling great. I am quite tired and fight to stay awake past 9PM. My tummy is expanding quickly. I have heard that women typically show with #2 sooner and also get bigger overall. I started wearing maternity pants this week. I had just been not buttoning my pants for awhile but that wasn't working anymore! I bought a few new maternity items- work pants, jeans, tank-top, short-sleeve sweater, Twins t-shirt....but I'll need to buy more since I'm pregnant in the opposite season as last time. My thick winter sweaters won't cut it this summer!

At my first doctor's appt we talked about my last pregnancy and how this one will be both similar and different. We mostly discussed the low blood sugar, early and constant contractions, and low birth weight. He said that I will almost certainly have the low blood sugar again so I will need to again focus on eating every 1-2 hours. I have already started to feel the effects of it, as I've gotten dizzy on a few occasions. It hasn't been as bad as last time yet (as in blurred vision, cold sweat, weak legs), thankfully. I found it interesting that he thinks I am not any more likely than any other woman to have a small baby this time around. I just thought that I made small babies? He said the baby is just as likely to be 9 pounds as 5 pounds. Hmm... But since I started contractions every 5-10 minutes at 31 weeks (that lasted the remainder of the pregnancy), they're going to monitor the growth more closely. I'll get "growth" ultrasounds at 26, 30, 34, and 38 weeks to measure the growth of the baby. If anything looks odd, they'll be more frequent. I was very happy to hear this. I was going to advocate for it anyways but I'm glad that they initiated the plan. Last pregnancy when I hit 34 weeks, they said they wouldn't stop my labor if it happened anytime after that point. Well, Claire could have been 1-2 pounds at 34 weeks since she was 5 lbs 4 oz at 40 weeks! Thank God she stayed in there a lot longer! I am glad we'll be more informed about this baby and can make the best decision. I was also glad to hear that I may not have the early contractions again this time- he said I'm just as likely not to. I will be praying for that!!

Oh, one more thing that's notable is that the placenta is at the front of my uterus this time, which means I may not feel as much movement. That's a good and bad thing. I rented a doppler again so I'm glad I can use that when I am nervous at all. But I'm mostly trying to place my trust and hope in Jesus and know that this baby is His and that no matter what happens, He is the same God that was, is, and forever will be.

Hope you're enjoying the weekend! It's a hot one today!

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