Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a weekend!

I normally don't blog about our weekends for some reason but this time I have to! If I could sum up the weekend in one word, it would be "awesome". If I could use two, I would add "exhausting".

Friday night we had a super fun dinner at Molly Cool's with my Mom, Brad, Chris and Becky to celebrate my mom's double nickel birthday. We had lots of laughs! I am SO lucky to have the wonderful mom that I do...and one that keeps me young! I swear she's 55 going on 35.

Saturday morning Josh, Claire and I took a family bike ride to Dunn Bros. It was mostly down hill on the way there so that part of the trip was a breeze! We enjoyed an iced vanilla latte and iced mocha before making the tougher trip home. I love, love, love family bike rides. Especially on a beautiful Saturday morning at 9AM! And with a coffee pit stop. Perfect!!

After the bike ride and Claire's morning nap, Josh went golfing with Chris and Andrew and Claire and I went to the Minnesota Zoo with Angela and Campbell. It was terrific seeing those girls! We had fun getting lunch, ice cream, and walking around on the gorgeous day.

After returning home and Claire's afternoon nap, Claire and I went to Burnsville Center to pick up a gift for baby Andrew.

We traveled to Inver Grove Heights with Bethanie and Annie and met precious Andrew Paul. He was so tiny and perfect! Here's a picture of Claire, Andrew and Brody. Those three (along with Everleigh and the other awesome cousins!) will be Great friends!
Wow.. that Saturday was enough to make anyone exhausted...let alone someone that's 14 1/2 weeks pregnant! Josh and I both passed out at 8:30PM and slept until 7:00AM this morning.

We woke up to another gorgeous day (thank you Jesus!). At 7:30AM we headed out to Edelweiss Bakery in downtown Prior Lake for a little breakfast. Then we went to Home Depot and had fun picking out flowers for our new pots. When we got home, Claire went down for her nap and Josh and I planted flowers in our six pots that decorate the front of our house. I had no idea what I was doing but we had lots of fun! Here's a picture of 3 of the 6 pots.

Claire woke up and we went to Noodles and Company for lunch and then to Menards to try to find a different sunburst decorative thingie for the front of our house (above the garage). No luck.

When we got home, I painted our front door that was a faded, ugly bluish gray a fun and vibrant red! It took two coats and some TLC.

After painting the front door, I got groceries at Target.

While I was painting, Josh put together the Radio Flyer wagon that Grandma got her for Christmas. When the groceries were put away, I took Claire on a walk around the neighborhood in her wagon. She loved it. I can see lots of fun walks in this for her and Brody!
We topped off the evening with a fabulous dinner of grilled T-bone steak, broccoli, bread, and milk. And I baked chocolate chip cookies. Because why not? If I sat down I knew I would pass out so I had to keep going!

Phew..... so that was our weekend. It was exhaustingly blissful. I just love my little family.

Hope you had a fun weekend too!


Unknown said...

I'm exhausted reading about it! But sounds like a very fun weekend! Campbell & I loved hanging out with you and Claire at the zoo, can't wait to do it again! Have a great week!

Bethanie said...

Phew, exhausting but awesome! That little wagon looks like loads of fun :)