Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Claire at 13 months

I'm going to continue Claire's monthly updates for now. She's changing so much and I want to keep track!

Claire at 13 months:

  • WALKS!! She started walking about a week after turning 1. At first she would just walk a few steps between Josh and I when we encouraged her to walk towards us. She also needed hard soled shoes to walk. It was only a couple weeks before she could walk in socks, barefoot or in any shoes and could walk across the whole house. It's amazing how quickly they improve!! She now prefers to walk and doesn't crawl much. It's so, so, so fun. When she falls it's on her bum, she so hasn't gotten hurt yet. I love this stage!!
  • TALKS! She whispers when she talks. She'll be babbling at the top of her lungs and then she'll whisper "bye...bye...". She also started what looks like the Atlanta Braves arm pump when she says bye. She says:
    Ba (for ball)
    Puh (for puppy)
  • Claps. She just started this yesterday.
  • Is obsessed with books. She could read books all day long! She has many favorites, including Where the Wild Things Are. She has started climbing into our laps too (and using Josh as a jungle gym), so she'll grab a book, walk over, and sit in our lap so we can read it to her- so cute!
  • Is clingy and still super sensitive.
  • Eats like a horse. I wonder if she's been going through a growth spurt because she eats SO Much! Not more than me since I'm pregnant (and constantly famished myself) but I honestly feel like she sometimes eats more than Josh! Where does she put it?! She is branching out and eating lots of different types of food. She still doesn't care for meat much. She loves fruit, sweet potatoes, and pasta. She had peanut butter for the first time last weekend and wasn't quite sure what to think. She really likes whole cow's milk. She's completely free of bottles!
  • Goes to bed about 7PM and used to sleep until 7:30-8:00AM but just started waking up at 6:00AM four days ago! I hope it's just a short phase! She also used to go to bed after just a book (or two, or three), a snuggle, and a paci. We'd lay her down awake and not hear another peep for 12-13 hours (actually we'd hear a few peeps during the night but she'd get herself right back to sleep). But just the past three nights she has started crying hard when we put her down! I hope that, too, is a short phase!
  • CUDDLES!! Ahhh, I love it. So sweet.
  • Typically naps twice a day. They are usually between 30-90 minutes.
  • Wears size 9 and 12 month clothes.

She's going to be a great big sister. She is getting lots of good practice with cousin Brody. She gives him kisses!

Now it's time to watch the Idol finale!

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