I'm officially in the third trimester! I turned 28 weeks last Thursday. A little update on me and the babe...
I'm feeling great, for being 7 months pregnant. I have no sign of sciatica, praise the Lord!!! I have had very, very few low blood sugar episdoes, PTL again! I am feeling very large. I never understood why pregnant women were happy when people told them that they look small. I mean, when you're pregnant, you want to look pregnant. And you probably always feel a bit bigger than you look. But now that I've gained almost as much weight already as I did the entire pregnancy with Claire and my stomach is much larger than it was last time at this point, I don't mind one bit if someone tells me I look good or look small. Because usually I get the opposite comment!
My lung capacity continues to feel low. It can be hard to catch my breath and difficult to speak without having to take a break and a deep breath. My thyroid was tested at my last appt and came back normal, so my doctor said that the shortness of breath is nothing to worry about and just part of my organs being pushed around.
I'm still sleeping well and not using body pillows yet. I continue to be more tired than usual but it doesn't seem like I have fatigue to the same level as I did before (meaning, I can actually stay up past 9PM some nights).
Little Docken Boy is active and I can tell he's getting stronger because I am feeling more rolling and large movements. I really can't believe we'll be meeting him in 12 weeks or less. At this point, I actually hope he doesn't come early. With Claire, I was ready the minute I turned 37 weeks. But we're enjoying the 'easy' life right now with just one teething, independence-seeking, tantrum-learning, word-speaking, laughter-loving little girl! I know that soon enough we'll be thrusted into the throes of the crazy newborn life!
annie kate
6 years ago
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