1. I can't breathe
I have had, what I would consider, an easy pregnancy thus far. At this point last time I was suffering from sciatica, which has to be one of the worst pains in the world. I remember just crying in bed and begging for it to stop. Well, no sight of it yet this time!! Hardly a day goes by that a stranger doesn't look at me and say "Boy??". Apparently I'm carrying low and that might be helping prevent the sciatica! I am still sleeping great at night and I hope that lasts awhile! But today, today isn't a great pregnancy day, because I can't breathe! I've been short on breath all day. I keep feeling like I just worked out and can't catch my breath. Strange. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully it's a better one for my lungs!
2. Claire is too cute
Claire loooooves to get into Sydney's water. It happens every day. We put it up on the counter a lot but the dog has to drink sometime. Claire knows she should not get into it. When she's making a beeline and we say "No!" and go after her, she picks up her speed and starts giggling and rushes to shoves her hands in the bowl and spill it everywhere. It's like a moth to a flame- if she's ever quiet for a moment we know where she's head and what she's into. Well, tonight something adorable happened. I was frying hamburger and she snuck her hand into the bowl and spilled the water before I could grab her. She then walked to a drawer, opened it, and took out a kitchen towel. She took the towel to the spilled water, got on her hands and knees, and wiped up the water. After wiping, she brought the towel back to the drawer and put it away (except she put it in the wrong drawer). It was so cute, I can't even describe it! Maybe it was one of those "you have to be there" or "it has to be your daughter" moments. :) If she's this smart and helpful at 15 months, just think what she could do 3 months from now! "Claire- go get a diaper for your brother". "Claire, go get his paci". "Claire- take care of your brother so mommy can take a hot shower and a nap". Well, I can dream.
3. We have a name
We settled on a name! But we still aren't going to share. It'll be fun to introduce our little boy as his name for the first time! Josh is worried he's going to slip and say it, so don't be hard on him and try to trick him up! We haven't quite decided on a middle name yet, but we're close.
annie kate
6 years ago
1. Hope you're not short on breath today!
2. I can totally see Miss Claire do this, cracks me up how perceptive she is!
3. Ahhhhh, a name, I'm so excited and I can hardly wait to hear it and meet the little guy all at the same time come November. Now I have to block this out of my mind so the suspense doesn't kill me.
Ditto what Bethanie said, guess that's the best way to proceed, block it out of my mind. Us Dockens are known for our curiosity, and suspense doesn't sit well with us! I agree, it's amazing how much Claire comprehends from conversations, and how many directions she can follow - and that's not just because she is my granddaughter! We'll have to work on her ability to put the toy in the reach (or mouth) of Brody, so she will be able to do it with baby boy Docken!
Gma Annie
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