99 days until baby boy Docken is due!! Hooray!!
Here was this milestone in my pregnancy with Claire!
I had my 26 week doctor appt this morning and it went great!! I passed my diabetes testing and my level was much more normal than last year. With Claire, it was in the 40's. Today it was 126. Big difference!
The ultrasound was the best part. He is so cute! He already has chubby cheeks. It's amazing how much his face has filled out since my last ultrasound 7 weeks ago. He measured at 2 lbs 1 oz and in the 60th percentile. At the 19 week ultrasound, he was in the 40th percentile. While I am 25 weeks 6 days today, his belly is measuring 27 weeks 2 days. Love it. Because the ultrasound went so well, I don't need to have another one until I'm 36 weeks. If all looks good there, then we are in the clear for the delivery! Wow, 99 days to go! Oh, and I've gained 18 pounds. Hmm. With Claire I only gained 23 the entire time, and most of the weight gain comes in the third trimester, which I have yet to enter. I wonder what my total weight gain will be this time. But, I'm not sweating it. I feel healthy and look healthy. I dipped under my pre-pregnancy weight when I was nursing so maybe my body is just partially returning to normal. Now, I gotta go eat a brownie with milk and watch SYTYCD! :)
annie kate
6 years ago
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