Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Mosque at Ground Zero

Maybe I'm naive or ignorant because I just don't get it.  What is the huge deal about building a mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero??  I am not the biggest fan of Obama.  I like to think I vote on issues but I am quite conservative and generally vote Republican.  With that said, I don't think the Muslim place of worship should be a political issue but yet it very much is.  I am not the most well-versed person on this subject.  I've read a handful of articles pertaining to it but don't claim to know all the details.  However, this is what I believe:

A religion did not cause 9/11.  People did.  Individuals.  Individuals who were Muslim.

(Most?) Muslims who would worship in this Mosque are American.

There are American Muslims who are fighting for the United States in Iraq. 

We should be a country of tolerance and forgiveness. 

When Jesus was dying on the cross, he pleaded for God to forgive his betrayors.  I am especially surprised when Believers are vehemently opposed to the mosque at Ground Zero.  I like to think that the same Jesus who asked for his attackers to be forgiven would be pleased with us showing a small remnant of the same behavior.  Then again, I think it's important to maintain the distinction between the RELIGION and the INDIVIDUALS who carried out 9/11. 

I understand this is an extremely emotional situation for many.  If I lost a loved one on 9/11, I may feel differently.  However, I feel like most of those who are outwardly opposed to this place of worship were not personally affected (as in experienced the death of a loved one) by 9/11.  It has become extremely political,   which is just sad. 

Don't even get me started on those who want Obama to prove that he's not a Muslim......


Chris said...

Couldn't agree more. However, if you're tired about the Mosque debate just ignore it till the Wednesday after the November elections, it will disappear almost instantly.

Unknown said...

What are your thoughts on the fact that Muslims build a Mosque near areas they have conquered. I really don't know much about this and agree with your thoughts. I heard this little tidbit from another blog and thought that if this was the intent behind the location (which I have no idea on if it is and none of us probably will) then I am wholeheartedly against it (as many I'm sure would be). Just curious on your thoughts.