Last night during one of my many nursing sessions with Max, the definition of insanity popped into my mind.
They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
What he doesn't do at night. |
Max's sleep has gone from bad to worse and I realized that continuing the same routine and methods was not going to work. Last Thursday night he was up so many times (like, a dozen) that I had to take an unexpected vacation day on Friday and have Annie watch the kids so I could sleep. In the past week, he's been getting up between 5-8 times a night. So today was the day that we were going to turn this ship around!!
I'm so cute Mom! How can you be frustrated with me?! |
After church (Josh didn't go because he and Sean were working on the basement. It's the last time for awhile that I brave church with both kids by myself!) the kids and I went to Babies r Us and we bought new super soft sheets for Max's crib (thanks Parks for the suggestion!), and a noise machine. Later today I went to Target and bought a different brand of pacifier (thanks for the suggestion Rachel!). As I type this, Max is in his CRIB (for the first time ever), UNSWADDLED, listening to a fake sound of Mommy's womb, and SLEEPING! Oh I pray (really, I do, like 50 times a day about this) that this new combo will make him sleep tonight! Mama's gotta get her beauty sleep!
Great ideas for the noise machine and new paci! I'm crossing my fingers for great sleep Max! Brody loves his super soft velour sheet and the day he finally got to sleep on his tummy was a great day for us!
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