It's been awhile since I posted. I guess I just haven't had much to say! We've had ridiculous heat, and believe it or not, it's been too hot to be outside with the kids. Fortunately, the humidity took a break today and it was amazing just how cool 86* felt! I'm sitting here just eating a piece of chocolate, watching some of SYTYCD from last night, and procrastinating on the pumping I need to do, so I thought I'd share some random thoughts.
1. I start a new job on Monday. Yeah, crazy. It's my sixth position in my seven short years at Target. I've learned to not get too attached to a role! I've only been in my current role for 15 months but I was asked to take the Global Trade Compliance Manager role. It's an interesting area, it'll be good for my career and I'll be managing a much larger team (I currently have 6 people and will have 14 in my new role) so it'll be good for me. And I really like the team!
2. I am so grateful for my "mommy" friends! These six ladies all have toddlers Claire's exact same age. We met more than two years ago when our first borns were only a matter of weeks old and have stayed in touch ever since. We had dinner together last night. It was so nice to catch up and discuss discipline, funny things the kids say, potty training, pregnancies, etc etc! Love them.
3. I also love my sisters-in-law (all three of them!). There are several reasons why I really want a third child and several reasons why I am really okay with not having a third. One reason I want a third is because I want Claire to have a sister or Max to have a brother. I never had that same-sex sibling relationship growing up. That said, my brother and I are super close. It warmed my heart when Josh recently told Chris (my brother) and I that we are the closest set of siblings that he knows. What a blessing our relationship is. And now I have the three sisters that I never had growing up and Chris has the brother that he never had. I had dinner tonight with two of my sisters-in-law and it was fantastic. I love those ladies and am so thankful for them! Josh and Chris have grown very close over the last decade too. They were the Best Man in each other's weddings and continue to develop their relationship. They're going golfing together this coming Saturday and Tuesday! I just can't imagine not living close to our families.
4. Max started formula yesterday (sad face). I don't know why this is somewhat sad for me because it totally shouldn't be. There is nothing wrong with formula! I was able to breastfeed exclusively for 8 1/2 months and now he's having two bottles of breastmilk and one bottle of formula per weekday. No biggie. He's taking it like a champ too.
That's all I got for now! Bonne nuit.
annie kate
6 years ago
1 comment:
Congrats on the new job - I had no idea you got a new one! Josh is correct, you and Chris have an amazing relationship as siblings - something to be desired! Hopefully we'll see you guys soon!
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