Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had an incredible Christmas this year.  It was so fun with children ages 13 months and 2 1/2 years and I know it will only get better.  

I was big this year on two things..... simplifying and making sure my children get enough sleep.  We are so blessed to have SO MUCH family in town, but we want to do everything with everyone, and there just aren't enough hours in the day.

We started Saturday morning with the Mieska clan at GG's house.  We usually can't make the Mieska get-together because it's in the evening and we're with my family then, so we were thrilled to be able to join this year when it was moved to the morning. 

Claire and Everleigh... the two girls in the bunch. Both sporting adorable red dresses.

This is how these photo shoots generally go.  The boys chillax and the girls freak out. Ah! A scary COUCH! And a CAMERA! And my friends/cousins!  SCARY!!!! 

Now it's Ev's turn to be dramatic, while Brody wonders what's up. 

After naps at home, we went to 4PM church and then to my mom's for an amazing lasagna dinner.  I love this picture of three of my very most favorite people! 

The best present of the weekend is the new camera.  Hands down.  She took over 300 pictures in one day, which is probably why the camera consumed four AA batteries in that short period.  It even has a USB cord..and takes video too! 

As tradition has it, we spent Christmas morning at home, together, in our Christmas jammies.  The kids opened a couple presents from "Santa", although Claire doesn't understand what that means yet and we're not pushing it.  

My Dad, Chris, and Becky came over for a scrumptious lunch of wild rice soup (thanks Becky for making it!), salad, and bread.  

This picture of Uncle Chris and Claire makes me melt! 

Claire is a very captivating story-teller. 

Christmas night we went back to my mom's to celebrate with the Farmers (Brad's children and their families).  It was so fun! 

I think Max is so handsome! 

 Mom and Brad bought the kids a motorized vehicle for at the cabin.  They already LOVE it and it hasn't even turned on!  Max enjoyed getting a feel for the driver's seat. 

"No one puts baby in the trunk!!!" 

Look at the little pose Claire is giving.  I'm seeing flash-fowards to watching her drive away with her first boyfriend at age 25 16. 

I hope you had a Merry Christmas, too!  The fact is not lost on me that Christmas is indeed not merry for too many brothers and sisters in the world....those who are hurting spiritually, financially, emotionally, mentally, physically.  Those who are lonely, whether they find themselves alone or in a group of people.  The mothers and fathers, here in the US and all around the world, who long to provide for their children, and are reminded once again at Christmas that they cannot.  I pray for those who long to celebrate with a child of their own, that by next Christmas, they're taking pictures of their new baby beneath their Christmas tree.

I liked how my Christmas card simply said, "May the splendor of the season remind you of Him who is worthy of all our praise"..... Amen!  


Angela said...

Looks like a wonderful time spent with family & friends. I don't think I received your Christmas card this year.

Annie Docken said...

Hey, what happened on the 18th?