Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy birthday to us!

Happy birthday to two of my very most favorite people in the world... my broham Chris and my hub-a-lub, Josh.  And me, too. :)

A sweet walking boy in Christmas jammies.... love! 

And this little guy LOVES the remote.  Just try taking it away! 

He's already a CHEEEESE-er! 

We had lots of fun celebrating our December birthdays tonight.  Chris was on the 3rd, Josh is tomorrow, and mine is the 21st (the big 3-0!).  I am so excited for this coming three day weekend.  Tomorrow, Nana and I are taking the kids downtown (and Josh will meet up with us) for our third annual Santa visit at Macy's along with the Macy's 8th floor display.  We'll all get lunch before we race home for naptime.  Claire has been warning me that she is NOT sitting on Santa's lap.  On Saturday, we're going to the zoo in the morning and we're going to dinner and an amazing Christmas concert at my church that night.  Sunday is a full day of celebrating Christmas with Josh's family at our house.  Life is good! 

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