Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thankful for thirty

I turned 30 years old today.  And today, I'm thankful for thirty.  I have no issues with reaching this milestone.  After all, it's better than the alternative, right?  And truthfully, I have felt 30 for awhile now, so we're just making it official.  

Today I am reflecting on a few of the many things I have to be thankful for, as seen through the eyes of my iPhone.  

I am thankful for special Mommy/Claire dates with this sweet girl.  It feels like just yesterday that this girl  was a four pound screaming (all.the.time) little peanut. And now she's a big peanut who is totally potty-trained (including during naps and at night-time), an animated story teller, and a perfect lunch date. 

I am thankful for this little "CHEESEEE!!" boy, who makes my heart almost explode.  And for my relationship with his Grandpa, which is a wonderful story of restoration. 

Thankful for precious cuddles. 

And thankful to witness the special relationship my children have with their father.  Just today Josh and I were discussing how it seems that so much of how we turn out, and operate, as adults is based on our childhood.  It's a lot of pressure to provide healthy, character-building, full of appropriate-boundaries, childhoods-- and I'm thankful to be attempting it alongside this guy. 

I'm thankful for fun. and giggles. and seeing life through a child's eyes. 

I'm thankful for surprises.  Like the one my husband surprised me with today.  When my alarm went off this morning, my sweet hubby informed me that he arranged for me to have the day off, he cleared my calendar, and we're about to spend a fun day together.  After my initial thought of "Ahh, I have SO MUCH to do at work!!", I was thankful for remembering that my work will be there tomorrow and it's important to celebrate life. 

Thankful for a budding photographer who adores taking pictures of her baby brother.  This time she caught me in it too.  

I'm thankful for precious friends, like Rachel, who are on this mothering journey with me.  Thankful that we can support each other, listen to each other, and remind each other that we WILL sleep again someday.  Thankful for fun and laughter. And for memories, like the one below, that will continue to make me chuckle for a long time. 

And I'm thankful that, even though I'm now 30, I can still act young.  Age is only a number, right? 

Thankful for good friends, who have become the family we chose. 

I have much, MUCH more to be thankful for, but not all of it was captured on my phone. :) 

And thank YOU for reading this little blog of mine! 


Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

First -- Happy Birthday to you! What a very sweet post this was -- celebrating life. :)

I remember when I turned thirty and feeling the same -- like "haven't I been thirty already and for a very long time?" Grin.

Checking out the button. I'll get back to you asap! Thank you for letting me know.

Blessings to you!


Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

The button should be fixed...;)