Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Favorite photo of 2011

favorite photo 2011

I'm linking up with Rachel from Finding Joy  to share my favorite picture from 2011.  I took many, many pictures this year and it's hard to pick a favorite.  That said, here are two of my favorites from this year.  

2011 was a year of getting to know our sweet son, Max.  It was a year that began with a huge amount of sleep deprivation due to this little boy, and a feeling of renewed hope once we worked with the Sleep Institute in the St. Louis hospital (they will always hold a special place in my heart!).  It was a year for me to experience fully how our love multiplies, rather than divides.  Seeing my two children grow, and learn, and play together created heart-exploding moments.  The above picture is from the 4th of July at Nana's cabin.  I love everything about this picture-- Max's voluminous hair blowing in the wind, his naked, chunky shoulders and arms, the American flag flowing in the background, my dear friend Laurie smiling on, and my husband (not seen) holding her new precious son, Landon.  I also love how Max is sporting pink sunglasses (who do belong to his sister)- he makes pink look good!  Weekends at the cabin with a bunch of family and friends are one of my favorite parts of summer. 

My other favorite picture is this self-portrait of our little family on Valentine's Day.  I like how it's normal- no fancy photography, just a good old-fashioned "stretch your arm out as far as it can go and hope you have the subjects centered" picture.  On the day especially marked for celebrating love, I love how in love we look (and were/are!).  


Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

I LOVE your photos! That first one is excellent -- like you said -- all the layering is amazing. It truly captures the fun of summer, the beauty of friendship/motherhood, and the joy in a child.

And the family? Totally lovely. I can absolutely see why it's a fave.

Thanks so much for linking up.


Jessica @Mother of Action said...

Beautiful photos! I feel the love! ;) I especially like the 1st because 4th of July is my favorite holiday. Thanks for sharing!! :)

Sam said...

Wonderful memories-thanks so much for joining in!

Sara @ Our Life Blog said...

cute pictures!!

PrairieJenn said...

Love your sweet photos! You have a beautiful family:)