Last night I got up THREE times to put Claire's blanket back on her. "MOM! My blanket fell off! I'm COLD!!!". Each time it took me about 30 minutes to fall back asleep (why am I the one who has to get up with her AND I'm the one that has trouble falling back asleep? Josh can fall back asleep in less than a minute but she only lets me get up with her), so that's about 1 1/2 hours of lost sleep, all because she kicked her blanket off.
The third time, around 5:00AM, I went downstairs to get a heavier and larger blanket. Claire kicked it right off. "I don't want that blanket, Mom! It's BROWN!". Woo-saaaaaaa, deep breaths. I put the other blanket back on and told her I was not coming in there one more time until morning. Went back to bed and told Josh, "I am so damn sick of going in there multiple times a night to put her blanket back on! We are buying a new bed for her tomorrow!!!". Claire is still in a toddler bed and if she was in a twin or full size bed, she would use an actual comforter with a much greater chance of staying put.
Reason came with the morning, and instead of buying an entire bed today, I took the kids to Target and we bought her a $29.99 (before discount) toddler bed bedding set. She's using it right now and if I don't find myself going in there tonight to put her comforter back on, I'll say it was worth every penny and much more.
When I was rocking her in the dark tonight, she gave me a big squeeze and said in her tiny precious voice,
"Mommy, I love you. I love you, Sweetie. Every day you go to work and I just miss you every day. I just love you so much".
I repeated it in my head multiple times to make sure I didn't forget before I could write it down (I'll be putting that into my photo book! So darn sweet).
Maybe she's more strategic than I thought and is just melting my heart, preparing me to put her blanket back on tonight. This girl, she's my world.
annie kate
6 years ago
Oh, night time...multiple hours of consecutive sleep, so necessary, so hard to get. Did the bedding work? I sure hope so!!
Did the new blankets work?
How did the new blankets work? Loriann
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