Sunday, August 26, 2012

Social weekend

Whew, what a weekend.  I was home with the children on Friday and enjoyed a park playdate with Melissa and Dagney and their children in the morning and another playdate with Ami and her kiddos in the afternoon.  Josh went to the fair with co-workers after work so I had the kids the entire evening by myself too.  I even drug them along to my eyebrow wax appointment.  The lady looked at me suspiciously when I followed her back with a toddler's hand in each of my hands and I promised her they would be well-behaved, which they were!  So proud of them.  And no bribery was even involved.

Saturday Josh was gone the entire day again- from 10:00AM until after midnight.  No playdates, just lots of quality time with my two loves.  Today I had an annual girls day (which is usually girls weekend) with Amy, Pam, and Sarah.  Eight glorious hours of talking, shopping, drinking, eating, and way more talking.  Love.

These two little people are my world. Here is Max's "Cheeeeessseeeeee!" face. 

Claire is way into 'hugging' Max these days.  
He's way not into it... which I think makes her more into it. 

A couple funny anecdotes about the kids these days.  If Max can't see something or someone, he thinks they/it is "working".  "Max, where's Daddy?", "Working".  "Max, where are your shoes?", "working".

Claire is super scared of garbage trucks.  On Friday she must have asked me DOZENS of times if a garbage truck was going to come.  Whether we were at the park, inside the house, at a friend's, at the brow wax, at Target, everywhere, she wanted to know if a garbage truck was coming.  


Bethanie said...

"Max, where are your shoes?"
That kid cracks me up!

Bonnie Liebelt said...

Maybe kids go through "hug" phases...for a while Everleigh was always hugging Andrew and he wanted none of it. Now he's always hugging her and she barely tolerates it...