Tuesday, August 7, 2012

National Night Out

We hosted National Night Out tonight for the second year in a row.  It's easier for me to host then it is to find someone else to do it...and I enjoy it too.  The firetruck arrived 45 minutes late, causing me to be  a little nervous, but all is well that ends well.  The fireman said that our party was their fifth of the night and had the most people, by far!  And they still had 10 more parties to attend- crazy!  And our pals from Target showed up with lots of dollar store (See.Spot.Save) goodies for the kids.  I finally put Max down at 9:00PM and Claire at 9:30.  Claire was scared of the firetruck and Max loved saying his new word, "firetruck" on repeat the rest of the night. It was a great evening with awesome neighbors! 

(Josh said we're doing a live band and a pig roast next year.  I'm fine with lemonade and bean bag toss). 

Max was surprisingly independent all night long!  He just toddled around, plopped himself wherever the action was, and gave hugs to lots of random (to him) neighbors!  Sweet boy. 

Now that is a good looking fireman.

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