Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Finally, a healthy weekend

We finally had our first fully healthy weekend since the end of June, this past weekend.  Thank the sweet Lord.  Just a couple highlights for your viewing pleasure...

I had my fourth Friday off in a row.  The kids and I were so lucky to spend the past three Fridays with Ami and her crew!  This last Friday we went to the Dakota County fair.  I'd really like to go to the MN State Fair but the thought of bringing the kids in the double stroller makes me want to lie down and take a nap, so if it doesn't happen, at least I'll have pictures to prove to C&M that they indeed experienced a fair at ages 1 and 3. 

Max wasn't scared of the Blues Clues ride.  He was scared of the carnival man that secured our seat.  So wise in her young years, the first thing Claire said to Max when we got off the ride was, "Maxy, were you scared of the scary guy?" 

Chickens are gross to look at, but cool to photograph?? 

Their first merry-go-round! 

It's impossible to stay awake in the car after hours at the fair.  I didn't go down without a fight- windows down, music blasting, dancing and singing loudly with a frequent "CLAIRE! STAY AWAKE!!  I'll give you CANDY if you stay awake!!" Super mom here. 

We spent all afternoon, evening, and night with the Fords on Saturday. We introduced Landon to his first splash park experience. 

Max is creeping.  See him eyeing the frozen gogurt? 

wait for it.... 

It feels like it turned from Minnesota's hottest summer EVA to fall overnight.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the cooler temps.  This evening, for example, was perfect.  A couple Sundays ago I made two pans of lasagna for the freezer.  Transferred one to the fridge last night.  Popped it in the oven when I got home from work and enjoyed a family walk around the neighborhood.  My dad came over as we were returning home from the walk.  After a delicious dinner with very minimal effort (today, at least) we took another walk, this time with Grandpa (and it was cool enough to wear a light-weight hoodie!).  We walked down to Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky's house and enjoyed a little visit.  Returned home, slid the kids into jammies and I was out the door for my 8:15 yoga class.  That was a boring paragraph....long story short, I'm enjoying the cool temps and all the time we get to spend (comfortably) outside and am looking forward to fall but I am in shock that summer is almost over!  Between the summer sickness saga and the raging temperatures, I feel like I blinked and missed it!

Have a great week!

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