Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 25th, 2011- Claire's 2nd Birthday

Claire had a wonderful second birthday.  She was FINALLY feeling better after having a fever for three days, which made for some long days and nights (not to mention a dramatic birthday party, but more on that in another post).  Josh and I both took the day off and were so thrilled to have terrific weather.

 We had lunch at her (and our family's) favorite joint....Noodles!!  Josh and Claire share the Mac and Cheese and I found a new favorite- the Mmmmmmeatball Duo.  Max always chills quietly in his carseat.   

  Then we went to the Minnesota Zoo to see the farm babies.  Claire kept saying, "Papa cows!  Papa cows!".  

 She ran around and looked and acted goofy.  Got all sweaty and oily from the sunscreen (I LOVE that there's a need for sunscreen!).  Just having a ball. 

We visited the chickens and roosters. 

Claire got a special treat and shared a chocolate milkshake with me and Josh.  Max rolled around, happy to be outside. 

After a second nap at home, we went to Nana and Brad's house for dinner.  We started with an Easter egg hunt. 

The silly Easter bunny put tomatoes in the Easter eggs!  He also put in animal crackers and Cheerios. 

TOMATOES!  C'mon silly Easter bunny!  

After a delicious meal, which happened to be one of Josh's favorites, we (Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky were there too!) sang Happy Birthday to Claire. 

She tried a small bite of the cupcake and then pushed it away.  She decided to eat what the Easter bunny left her.  The animal crackers, that is.  Then she topped it off with strawberries.  That's my girl!

What a fun day we had celebrating our precious girl.  We love you, Sweetie Pie! 

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