Sunday, April 10, 2011

Max at 5 months old

Holy cow this is overdue!  Before I know it, Max is going to be 6 months old!  He's becoming more and more fun and his little personality is starting to show.  We are so blessed to have this little dude in our lives.

At 5 months, Max:
  • wears size 6 month and 6-12 month clothes.  He is a little chunky chunk.  Max wears size 3 diapers and I'm guessing he weighs 16-17 pounds.  We'll see at his appt next month.
  • rolls from front to back and back to front. He's also starting to scoot around a little.  
  • only uses his paci at night and doesn't even use it much then.  I have a feeling it's going to be a cinch to wean him from the paci, unlike his sister (ugh..).
  • is the happiest little guy you'll ever meet.  If you even look at him, he'll break into the biggest smile.  He loves to belly laugh and he thinks his sister is especially hilarious.  It's so heart-warming to watch them interact.  Max will just stare at Claire and smile and laugh. 
  • sleeps horribly.  BUT- we are on night 3 of a new sleep plan and it's already working wonderfully!  We are so hopeful!
  • drinks 5 ounce bottles and nurses several times a day.  He was recently cut off completely from night-time nursing so I'm wondering if he'll drink larger bottles during the day.  The doctor we spoke with about his sleep said that babies don't need 7-8 ounce bottles, no matter how old they are, but that parents just give them that much because that's the size of the bottle.  Hmm. 
  • is exploring his voice and making the cutest little noises. I tell him he screams like a girl.
  • studies faces intently. 
  • is super ticklish. 
  • rarely gets the hiccups, unlike his sister when she was a babe.

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