Thursday, April 7, 2011


Is it weird that my almost 2 year old can wear her brother's size 6-12 month shirt? Also, the intense cheese smile is cute but when do real smiles return? 

Yes, I wear my mittens and rain boots in the house.  Got a problem with that? 

So tomorrow is the day.  The day that Nancy Birkenmeier, RN, and Make-Children-Sleep-Extraodinaire fixes Max's sleeping problems.  I hope our 90 minute phone consultation is the answer to our prayers!  Stay tuned! 


rootbeerlady said...

Best of luck with the consult! The info online about her sounds like she gets good results.

rootbeerlady said...

Just so you have some confidence you aren't being stalked. Rootbeerlady is my google identity. I should have added my name.

Janeal said...

Like mother, like daughter. You wore your cowboy boots and a winter coat. Nothing else...

Annie Docken said...

Yea, yea, and yea. Should I mention that Claire's outfit of choice this afternoon, after getting her pants and socks all wet in a play extravaganza, was nothing at all.. (didn't want a fresh diaper)