Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend in Review

On Friday we started step 2 of Max's sleep plan, which meant he was put into his crib.  He has to spend the entire night (11 hours) in his crib, even during diaper changes.  Josh remains sleeping on a mattress on the floor right next to the crib.  Josh can interact with him for 30 seconds at 5 minute intervals.  Can place his hand on his tummy but can't pat it continuously.  So many rules.  But this plan is working, folks.  He hardly even needs the interactions.  When he wakes, he stirs for a couple minutes and then promptly falls back asleep. If you told me a few weeks ago that he would be doing this, after only a week on the sleep plan, I would never have believed you.  We are so, so, so thankful. 
Because we were starting a new step, I had to leave the house two hours before bedtime on Friday.  So while Josh was home with both kids, feeding Claire dinner, giving Max a bottle, and putting both to bed, I was having a grand time at happy hour with Mom, Brad, and Becky.  Dinner and drinks with my mom and without kids hasn't happened since.... since we had kids.  So we all really enjoyed it!!
And of course, Josh was the amazing dad that he is and handled the two munchkins by himself without a problem. 

Saturday was a typical saturday around here.  Playing, Home Depot, Chipotle, the Mall, naps, cleaning, playing, baking, playing some more.  For dinner we had spaghetti with homemade turkey meatballs, garlic bread, and a glass of Cabernet.  Delish.  Topped off with the S'mores cookies I made for our bbq on Sunday with the Parks.  Saturday night Josh and I watched a movie together- Unstoppable with Denzel Washington.  I thought an empty train speeding at 70 MPH sounded a little hokey, but it was actually pretty good!  And we were only interrupted by Max ONCE!  

Sunday morning Josh stayed home with Max so they could continue the regimented nap schedule while Claire and I went to church. I LOVE the Palm Sunday service at Hosanna but (unfortunately) didn't get to partake in it because I was (gladly) volunteering in Claire's sunday school room.  It was me, a Hosanna staff member, and 13 little kiddos, approximately 20-30 months old.  It was fun to witness what she/they do during her class.  I was skeptical when I heard that they would be eating Ritz crackers and drinking grape juice, and for good reason.  Virtually all of the juice landed on laps, shirts, the table or the floor.  Good thing for Claire that her mommy was in the room because I helped her out, and she still spilled a bit!  We played with dirt, made a cross, talked about Palm Sunday, watched a big kid parade with leaves in the hallway, and played with toys.  Lots of fun.

Sunday afternoon Chris, Becky, Oscar and Kirby stopped by for a fun surprise visit and then Bethanie, Barry, and Brody came over to play and grill, for our first time at home this year. Lemon pepper chicken from Von Hansens- yum!! Brody and Claire had a blast playing outside.  And Max looked pretty cute himself. Love that little boy. 


Bethanie said...

Looking good in blue, Max! Claire and Brody are so fun to watch playing together! I've never heard her giggle so much! I have a few cute pics of C I'll post too.

Annie Docken said...

I adore these photos. They remind me so much of all the photos of my youth on our swingset, with siblings and cousins.